ELLINON SYNELEUSIS REGIONAL ADMINISTRATIVE OFFICE OF CENTRAL MACEDONIA Tax Identification Number (TIN) : 997343310, Public Financial Agency: E’ Piraeus No. of General Commercial Registry 132545107000 Address: Egeou 63, P.C.: 55133 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece Telephone: +30 2310 443883, E-mail: esykmakedonias@gmail.com
Among plenty of dishonorable and fake publications, posts, articles, disclosures etc. which target Artemis Sorras— who has been politically persecuted in a very unfair way— and Ellinon Syneleusis, we see that there are unsubstantial reports of profiteering of the president of our political entity against the supposed “ignorant” members of the aforementioned entity. Artemis Sorras is NOT involved in any kind of way with the financial part of the local political entities because they (local political entities) are independent legal entities with their own TIN (tax identification number) and Administrative Council. In addition, they are not subsidiaries or branches of other organizations, therefore they have a different president per every legal entity. The role of Artemis Sorras is to check, supervise and coordinate the correct charter and the value system and function of the political entities. The political entity, the principal NGO organization “Ellinon Syneleusis”, the Regional Administrations and hundreds of organizations in Greece and abroad are Non-governmental Organizations of special purpose and their proper and orderly functioning is only and strictly supported by donations and subscription fees from the members of Ellinon Syneleusis. This press release is intended for every fellow citizen in order for them to receive correct information and updates because the last few days the media spread false news and hide the truth. The pertinent practice of dissemination of false news by the media, a practice which is unethical, inappropriate, unconstitutional and globally illegal, will receive soon a legal answer which corresponds to the weight of their actions.
The spokesperson of the Regional Administration of Central Macedonia
Dimos Dimaresis