Number of Fiscal Registry: 997343310,
Public Financial Agency: E’ Piraeus No. of General Commercial Registry
Address: Egeou 63, P.C.: 55133 Kalamaria, Thessaloniki, Greece
Telephone: +30 2310 443883, E-mail: esykmakedonias@gmail.com
On Thursday the 21st of June at Evelpidon Courthouse we gave our resonant presence supporting the president of our political entity “Ellinon Syneleusis” (Protocol Number 6199 4/9/2015 at the Supreme Civil and Criminal Court of Greece— Areios Pagos) Artemis Sorras who received a summons in order to answer to the court because he has been accused of very serious charges. In the end, the charges collapsed because he never committed the said punishable acts which actually cannot be proven. The truth is that the first out of many humanitarian aid’s projects is occurred through the legal entities “Ellinon Syneleusis” the last 2,5 years, which include the conclusive payment of every legal, affirmed and clear debt to the Public Law Entities and banks respectively.
The extrajudicial order of payment in full is legally not confront-able, while the public sector and the state services of the country have— in any case— not been harmed. However both public sector and state services do not accept and collect our payment as we have legally requested and as a result this situation leads the country into a deeper debt and dead-end. All our debts can be settled and paid via the aforementioned extrajudicial order by utilizing the 2 (two) fortunes that the fiduciary and guarantor Artemis Sorras has made us (the Greek people) heirs and ultimate beneficiaries. The two fortunes are a) the 600 billion USD (that are officially verified through two judicial decisions: 67650/2013 and 107376/2017) and b) the 2,3 trillion USD for Greece, Cyprus and Hellenism around the globe that Artemis Sorras himself guarantees from the global funds (Bretton Woods Agreement— Official Goverment Gazette 315 27/12/1945).
We see that the media involve the 600 billion USD with Banque d’Orient, which (Banque d’Orient) is a different great weapon from the other two aforementioned fortunes. This specific weapon shakes to the core the global and oppressive regime since Artemis Sorras revealed many secrets related to the wealth of people globally.
However, the district attorney and the examining magistrate decided the pre-trial detention of Artemis Sorras because he has been considered a fugitive due to a former case of Artemis Sorras that took place in Patra, Greece. This case was finalized in March 2018, the penalty was considered payable and it was paid by Artemis Sorras himself as requested by the law.
The detention of Artemis Sorras is unfair and he has been politically persecuted, while Artemis Sorras himself unveiled to the Greek people six years ago the global funds that have been kept in secret by the global and domestic institutions. In the meantime, we slip into artificial and pseudo-financial crises that aim for our extermination and exploitation of our fortune that belongs to us.
Meanwhile, months ago, Artemis Sorras revealed that there is no Official Government Gazette that legalize the composition of the Greek parliament into a legal body at least since 1974 up until nowadays. That means that the members of the parliament, ministers, governments and the presidents of Democracy are illegal. In addition to that, anything that has been signed as a law by
them, such as memorandums, contracts regarding loans, assigning the name of Macedonia and many others are illegal too.
It seems that in Greece, if someone is a supporter of the truth he is considered “a fraud that operates a criminal organization”, a lie that is spread through the media, while at the same time the Greek people suffer from an injustice that never ends.
Ellinon Syneleusis (Greeks’ Assembly) invites all the Greek people to visit a local entity under the name “Ellinon Syneleusis” in order to be informed for their financial assets and inherited wealth and fortune and also declare that they are Sovereign Indigenous Greeks and permanently stop injustice. The time is now and this opportunity is the last one.
The spokesperson of the Regional Administration of Central Macedonia
Dimos Dimaresis![](https://www.e-synews.gr/wp/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/PRESS-RELEASE-23-06-2018.jpg)
Χρόνος ανάγνωσης: 3 λεπτά
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